I spent a wonderful weekend with Ometa and Bill on the farm (or estate, which ever you want to call it) where they are living with their dear friends Angie and Tom Ward. After being with them for the few days I believe, if they could, both would sell their house in town ( which is still leased after their return to Cartersville from Beaufort SC) and move to the country.I watched both work so hard and seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Stay with me and I will try to show you just what they did.
I dedicate this Blog Post to Angie and Tom Ward, and thanks for the wonderful
weekend I spent at your beautiful estate.
I know this 420 mile trip is going to enjoyable because the VA has issued me a wonderful new set of hearing aids also an Icam with blue tooth so I hear phone messages that I receive through my hearing aids.I keep it around my neck under my shirt so when I receive a call I just talk into it. I guess people nearby think I am talking to myself. I hope they don't call the men with the white jackets.
I can understand book tapes very clearly so the trip seems so much shorter.I was met East of Atlanta by Ometa and Bill. It was OK to drive 350 miles by myself, but thought they should drive me through
Atlanta. Don't you just love concerned children.
Atlanta. Don't you just love concerned children.
This is the sign that greeted us on arrival, Ometa said speed over so you will be over it if it gives in.I am not sure why, but that is what we did,
We crossed over it Sunday morning but Ometa called Monday and said it caved in on its own.I am a little sorry it did not happen on Saturday night so I could spend a little more time with them.The food and company was wonderful and delicious.
The building on the right contains two apartments,attached to the main house by a breeze way.The stained split rail fence just adds to the beauty of the well kept lawn and shrubs.
Before arriving at Cartersville we stopped and visited my grandson Timothy and his beautiful wife Jodi who live just off of 285 that circles Atlanta.I am glad we stopped because Timothy was leaving next day for Las Vegas ( to work he said, and being my grandson I believe him.) He really does work for a company that goes all over the country setting up displays.
This is Billy's family
Front row son Chase, wife Holly, me, daughter Erin, and Ometa, back row.Billy and Bill. Not present Billy and Holly's 13 year old daughter Hannah
Visit from the McLane Family (Jodi's parents)
father Stan, mother Kathy and brother Timothy.Can you
recognize which is daughter and which is Mother ?
Billy, wife Holly, and Granddad
Ometa said that goat milk was all they drank and she wanted to go to the goat farm and see if she could milk one, so off we go.This is just a few of Lee Devor's flock or heard or whatever they are called.
Lee showing Ometa just how to do it
Evidently there seems to be many stages a chicken goes through, from the white incubators you saw on the fire place until you order a breast and a wing with fries from KFC.
If you will notice some of these pictures are not in sequence, so before you ask "why Not ?, I ask you to try a blog post and you will find that pictures are just like a cat, they do, and go where they want to and the harder you try to correct then the more ornery they become, so you finally say "go any damn place you want" I am too old to get upset over a few chickens.
I am not going to get in a hassle like with the chickens so here are pictures which to my surprise came out in fairly correct order.
More rabbits
As you can see this heifer is no fighting bull but also, Bill "ain't" no matador either, but the pictures will show the price of admission was worth it. Bill and Ometa are giving the heifer a shot of penicillin. Ometa did you tell him you are a registered nurse and not to worry? I find out later the shot did not work. The little heffer died.
Fenced in garden, sunflowers, and Luci inspecting the Okra
If you might be interested in owning this magnificent estate it has one more great feature.
Lee,the man with the goats also pans ,or in his case told me he uses a pump and all kind of other equipment to find gold in the stream on the back side of this property ( same one that goes under the troubled bridge. Here is his results for about 2 months work I believe he said there was 35 grains in this tube.It takes 437.5 grains to make an ounce so figuring at $1700.00 per ounce, with my trusty $4 calculator it figures to about $3.90 per grain, so the total value is $136.50.I think he should stick with the goats.
I ask that you, Angie, Tom, Ometa, and Bill say a little prayer for me because of a few choice words I have used doing this blog. If you have ever completed one you know what I am talking about.
Always remember,God loves you, and I love you.
Wow that was a great one Grandad. I love how descriptive your writings are. Thanks for stopping by at our place. You and Lucy are welcome anytime! Love you.
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