Cushing Academy Ashburnham Mass.
- Cushing is a coeducational college preparatory boarding school for grades 9 through 12. It was founded 135 years ago. It is sometimes cited as the oldest coeducational boarding school in the United States.
- Graduation Day
I was not able to attend this ceremony, so by chance I pulled up Cushing on my computer here in Whiteville NC and low and behold it was going to be televised. Please excuse the quality of the 3 pictures but it was the best I could do with my computer. I must say you looked comfortable under the tent but I bet my recliner with a cool Bud was more comfortable than those folding chairs you are setting on. I am just kidding,I would much rather be on one of those chairs with you.
- Three great pictures, a proud Mother, Father, and Sister,
- Christopher minus cap and gown, and the third one ,what Chris is so good doing that it earned him a scholarship at The University of Hartford to play Lacrosse.
This is the University of Hartford"s logo
Finished 19th in the Country last year.
Finished 19th in the Country last year.
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Thursday,June 9
It is great to be back in Marblehead and as we pass my grandson Jeff's home I see Dan's big boat(it is really not big but larger than his small one ) but I am sure that one will be in the water.However when we turned in the driveway I knew boating was out,the small one was on dry land.I am just kidding, I am here for a Graduation party, and to see my new 2 week old great granddaughter.Charlotte Lily St George
Family Dinner
Charlotte Lily St George
Now is the time for all to line up for their picture with Charlotte.
Clean up day for party Sunday
Friday Evening Dinner
Corinthian Yacht Club
The Club is beautiful and my dinner was delicious,broiled fresh salmon with all the trimmings.Both Katie and Chris work here for the summer,Katie is in charge of the sailing classes,for both young and old.I believe Chris is in maintenance.
This was taken almost at sunset so it could have been much sharper.There is a tradition in Marblehead Harbor that all of the Yacht Clubs at sunset fires a cannon that will awaken the dead. Everyone immediately stands and faces the Flag while it is being lowered.Very impressive sight.
Marblehead Harbor
. This picture was taken at sunset from the deck of the Yacht club.As you can see I have no camera lens that could take in the entire harbor.This main harbor plus Marblehead's side of Salem harbor entails 3000 moorings.With that many moorings available you would think you just have to hook up your boat, stop at Marblehead's leasing office, pay for the mooring and head for the harbor.Not quite that easy because everyone in Boston and probably a 100 mile radius want to moor their boat in this very protected harbor. I asked Dan if he had applied for a mooring in this popular part of the harbor for his boat and he said,"I certainly have,.my application was entered in 1994 and I understand those that applied in 1992 are just getting issued a mooring.You would think that most moorings would be grandfathered and that would causes this shortage but not so, you die, you loose. Can you imagine having a business that has a 19 year backlog of applicants.
This morning preparation's for the party tomorrow begins.
Here is the time when I helped. Me, 2 forks, and that pork got along just fine tearing it apart.
The finished BBQ using Whiteville's own Joe's BBQ sauce.I don't think there was any left after the party.
Allyson's Famous Asparagus Roll-Ups
On thinly rolled Pepperidge Farm bread, spread with cream cheese and blue cheese mixed, roll in an asparagus spear.Dip in melted butter and freeze over night.Cut into 3 pieces and bake.Those little morsels are delicious. I was sent the recipe if anyone would like it.
Saturday Evening
La Siesta Mexican Restaurant
Winthrop, MA
My treat this evening and I think all had a good time. the food was excellent and the "band" was not bad at all.
Sunday, Party Day for Christopher
Cake and Family
This is what this weekend is all about, Christopher graduating from Cushing and a proud family that has been with him all the way.
The party was a success and the food and refreshments were both wonderful.Three cheers for Allyson and Dan.
I am going to end this blog with pictures of family and Guests, so sit back and enjoy It has been fun doing this, good or maybe not so good.but it is just pictures of a dear wonderful family.
For a final Act- A whole bunch of St Georges
Christopher, study much and play hard !!!